Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Happy Hump Wednesday!

Happy Hump Wednesday!

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In ADD/ADHD terms, its clothes all over the floor, middle of the week!

      So as a soon to be finish with school Social worker. Intend to empower others with my blog.As a social worker it means that I am concerned for others and in charge of their healing. Even though I will be a professional therapist, I am still human and I'm also still learning. Having said all that, I realize that I should put myself in time out sometimes. When I am frustrated, yelling, and screaming, not sleeping, or sleeping too much. I realize in some tense moments, that even though I am an adult, I am not making any sense, and I need to remove myself. With that said be very patient with your child, they really are doing the best they can and that goes for adults too.
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So my 9 yo son and I have the best relationship, and are the best of friends. Since I see alot of myself in him, I know when to back off. My son tries his hardest, but some days are really hard for him. Especially with homework. His teacher made exceptions for him and allow plenty of time to turn in homework. In the past he has been so stressed out that he hides his homework. I advise all parents to stay in contact with the school and insist on testing more than once if need be. 
Image result for homework frustration
All in all, I advise parents or caretakers to stay in open communication with your child so he or she can tell you how he is feeling. My youngest always uses the word "annoying" and that is when he is REALLY MAD! So we give each other some space, because I can also be annoyed. My next tactic, if space away from the problem doesn't work, is to give an official time out which includes being unplugged from internet devices etc. This usually calms my child enough to be able to express his feelings, instead of the usual one word answers.
ADD And ADHD are complicated mental impairments that are not temporary, and do not go away, even with medication. Medication only manages symptoms, it is not a magic wand or cure. So it is important to have a game plan and recognize your child's emotional signals. It  requires research and trial and error on the part of the person affected, caretakers and yes teachers! 
(You would be surprised.) 

Until next time......

as always be gentle with yourself,
questions and comments are encouraged.

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